الثلاثاء، 14 فبراير 2012

Pictures: the issue of an interpreter for the Lockerbie airliner bombing reveals new details of the House

Jafar: Deportation of accused al-Megrahi and Fahima to appear before the International Tribunal in The Hague before I was released from prison
Resignation of the defense lawyers on the case blew crisis led to arrest him twice in a row, but
America and Britain were forced Libya to respond to the sanctions, which included a fly in and out
Met: SE bliss
And keep the secrets revealed by the Sudanese translator Jafar Tom .. Professor of translation and interpreter for the Lockerbie issue new secrets in this case, which began to take all these international dimensions on Wednesday, December 21, 1988 AD the date on which exploded when the plane Boeing 747 of the company (Pan) during the flight over Lockerbie .. Dmgriz located in the city of Galway and the west of Scotland United Kingdom British In this context, investigations have been undertaken in a very secret .. During these investigations is declared the various media speculated and analyzed until it had been the internationalization of the issue has resulted in the bombing of the plane killing 259 passengers and 11 people from the village of the above where the plane crashed and the background that formed the families of the victims group pressure is very strong and charged first to the different countries United States of America waging a global struggle and liberation movements of hostility and placed in the box terrorist organizations .. After several years in which he accused the east and west and with this and that America was calling for the arrest of the accused of this offense and sanction them, and in the midst of these circumstances led the United States of responsibility first to the Palestine Liberation Organization and then turning an accusation against Syria and immediately after the Iran and in the end of this tour receive the reckless accusations accusation turned America toward the Libyan Arab socialism in the November 13, 1991 m, and ordered the arrest of two Libyan nationals suspected of including the implementation of this terrorist attack because they work the Office of Libyan Arab Airlines in Malta Airport Luke.
Libya's compliance to demand that America and Britain
Hence suspended staff members Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima and asked the public to provide the possession of evidence related to ship a bag containing within it the explosives and the United States began the U.S. and the United Kingdom their influence to move in the Security Council so that we were able to issue a decision in the March 13, 1992 m with the number 748 by 10 votes with 5 abstentions in favor of the resolution and under the pressure of a strong U.S. and British UN Security Council passed on 11 November of the same year, a decision to call 883, a decision to develop the kind of sanctions and Kogel final set April 15, 1992 m pressure on the Libyan Arab Socialist until the bow to the demands of the two superpowers, and under that resolution imposed sanctions on Libya, which included a fly in and out and prevent the export of arms and reducing the trade and diplomatic relations.
The resume Sudanese translator Jafar Tom tales saying that companies experienced foreign legal that were cooperating with the attorney Libyan Ibrahim Ghuwayl in the case of the Lockerbie bombing demanded the fees their own special and they were able to determine the jurisdiction of the court must be represented before the defendants Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima, where The legal expertise of foreign companies, a resolution is passed confirms that the competence of the consideration of this issue from the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and not for the UN Security Council.
Houses foreign legal expertise
The question that has gained the character of the UN Security Council increased sanctions, with the continued siege on the Libyan Arab socialism under the umbrella of the United Nations and its Secretary-General and the then-Boutros Ghali, despite what caused the blockade of the damage to the Libyan people, but the former regime did not respond to the demands of the United States and the United Kingdom and began to move internationally was hurt Rasa in this direction to convince the world to reject the pressure and threats have had the support of Arab countries represented at the university Arab committee was formed seven-standing to pursue this issue and had the support of non-aligned countries and African countries which, in a summit held at the Aga Dogu capital of Burkina Faso on June 10, 1998 m to break the ban imposed on the mass by September of the same year unless they succumb to their demands and issued a series of decisions of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Organization of International Justice in favor of the objection Libyan that the issue is not the prerogative of the UN Security Council.
In a related context, said Professor translation Jafar Tom: When I got the issue of Lockerbie bombing to this progress and continued corporate legal experience demanding fees from a party the lawyer Ibrahim Ghuwayl assigned him the task of defending the defendants Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima In an interview him with me about that thing he said to me: the more I went to the late President Muammar Gaddafi Bab Azizia .. Explain to him and claim their entitlements houses legal expertise in exchange for the significant role they played in this case tells me (Bahi Bahi ..) and then adds, saying they first let them decide for us Istsdron acquitted the defendants Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima and then We will give them what they want.
Question marks for the resignation of the defense counsel
The Sudanese translator Jafar is still dialogue going on between me and the lawyer Libyan Ibrahim Ghuwayl who said to me and to the late President Muammar Gaddafi to keep the human houses legal expertise until the completion of the case entered into a great embarrassment to them not to repay their financial commitments to match the legal service they have provided us in the case of Lockerbie bombing given that the only solution is that broke my hand to take over the task of defending the accused and gave all correspondence related to Mohammed Abu al-Qasim twisting Secretary of General People's Committee for Justice in Libya, Arab socialism and at the same these days has become some of the journalists attending the attorney's office Libyan Ibrahim Ghuwayl for dialogues press with sound and image and the first three reporters came to the office Ghuwayl and posed him questions, for example is Libya will hand over the defendants Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima for trial in a neutral country in your opinion whether the accused committed the crime or not?! What was the lawyer Ibrahim Ghuwayl but said they will offer my resignation from this case and therefore would not be my income in the near or far So it was that picked up international news agencies the news and broadcast on the receiver in this way (the lawyer Almitraf for Almthemen Libyan resigned), which leave a very big question mark, why offer his resignation at this particular time Was not sure of the innocence of the defendants Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima?!
International Court of Justice in The Hague
On the resignation of Attorney Libyan Ibrahim Ghuwayl said Professor translation Sudanese Jafar Tom: This resignation on the issue of Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima accused of the bombing of the Lockerbie bombing triggered a major crisis in the ousted regime headed by the late President Muammar Gaddafi, while there are people required to appear before the International Court of Justice in The Hague are Zatma and Zaki Hamid Farhat and Musa Kusa, Abdullah Sanusi and Abu Bakr Younis Jaber .. Here, they said that Ibrahim wanted to Ghuwayl wraps and going with us (so that plunged us put) and the return of the person who knows the secrets of this case only a personal translator to the issue of Lockerbie bombing so questioned, and so answered the question?! As they reached the conclusion they decided to deposit my in solitary Unfortunately, their idea that this coincided with the day that talked about this issue in one of the events in Libya, Sudan's Arab socialism.
Security and solitary confinement
With Jafar said: This system mount to use the method of security control minute to pick up all large and small let this regime remains in power for most of domination and oppression, dictatorship, this method had planted spies to follow up my routines and Sknati to convey them what they uttered it in relation to this issue and this gate and this entrance started with me a new phase in the Zatma and intelligent Hamed Farhat and Musa Kusa, Abdullah Sanusi and Abu Bakr Younis Jaber sent from Caught I was I live in a large salon in the Libyan capital Tripoli on my own, where I was hired from one of the brothers, the Libyans, who was working in the field lines and residential was solo down to my desire and pursuant to advice that extend out to Mr. Ibrahim Ghuwayl lawyer accused in the Lockerbie bombing and who asked me not to contact people in the communities and on the Athashi that as much as possible so as not to leave me any information relating to this issue so that does not demand that the charge that I leaked confidential information of the case and thus easier for them to indict him of leaking information by one of its employees in accordance with the clarification of the morning, where I come to my home three individuals revealed to me about their identity if they say literally: we follow for your external security and then they took from the place of my stay the bag that I take her to my work with Attorney Ibrahim Ghuwayl which is limited to the issue of translation of the Lockerbie bombing and found notes written inside Ghuwayl Then they collect any written into the living room, which serves as a used and then they took me with them blindfolded to a car stronghold of external security and put it in (solitary confinement).
I was arrested, blindfolded in Tripoli
And what they told him the moment of arrest Jafar said: We have the exercise of this act with you because you're talking about the issue that you know about the smallest details of that when I said on the occasion of Sudan that the defendants are not for good but are the four people who were all working in the Office of Libyan Arab Airlines in Malta, wondering where driver, who ascended the bag containing Almtafrjat timer and time to the office and then returned again to start the car and my destination specified in the scheme?!
While they put me in a cell three meters in two and a half with a mattress, blankets, six door that opens from the outside and within three days they were investigating me three hours.
At first they asked me why the lawyer Ibrahim Ghuwayl Balastagalh of litigation on the issue of Lockerbie bombing .. I said to them: This question must be Tugeoh to do is direct you, I work with him in the translation of the latest issue Verdvo question of are the people who frequent the office of the lawyer Ibrahim Ghuwayl in this period as they told me what the most important correspondence that are brought in from the houses legal experience in France and Britain, and what is my opinion that the defendants Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima had committed this crime or not?! It is this last question I told them I do not know whether they did or did not do that because I'm not a judge of that is knowing God Almighty.
Arrest of lawyers for the defendants-Megrahi and Fahima
And went on Jafar I have been asleep in a prison in a foreign security around the 5-month and 17 day from the date until it had been released me after lift-Megrahi and Fahima trip to the Netherlands to appear before the judges of the International Tribunal in The Hague on April 15, 1999 AD and once I left I learned that Mr. Ibrahim Ghuwayl arrested twice by the external security device the first time seven days and the second time twelve days .. When released, they told him: I do not think you need a large we are in we could kill you with a live bullet to lead your life and we are to Travek defendants Abdul Baset Aalghemrahi and Amin Khalifa Fahima we open you doors Almasdh to meet the late President Muammar Gaddafi is now on would not be able to meet by any They did not observe an age, he is a man versed in the law of his field and has its place inside and outside the Libyan Arab socialism.
We continue to

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