Explosion of a plane (Pan Am) after the event (38) minutes of flying the skies above the village of Ochria
Escape to the driver of the headquarters district of Egypt away from the charge of the PLO, Syria and Iran!!
Four defendants in the case and not a slave to the extender district headquarters and the Secretary-charcoal only?!
Met: SE bliss:
The explosion of a plane (Pan America) of the Boeing 747 Flight 103 over Ochria Scotland on December 21 / 1988, killing 11 residents of the city and 259 others who were on board, including 44 British and 189 American addition to the crew.
In the wake of this very exciting process of the questions on the scope of world opinion and the outbreak of the crisis that began between the United States of America and the Kingdom by the British and Libyan Arab Socialist Party and the other focused on the questions of who stop behind this process. Upon initiation of an investigation came up with the visions of several novels - as will prove later - as are all the same amount of significance so that can not be the investigator that is likely one of them, thus opening the door to the interpretation and the political conclusion that determines the crime according to the logic of interest calculations, which lies belongings America, including location of the center.
Did not we see in the movies:
Scenes are very interesting but did not see it in action films - tell us in the series Sudanese Mohammed Jaafar Tom translator months on the issue of a plane is blown up in the sky over Lockerbie .. An issue which has been completely controlled by the interests of America and Britain .. so everyone was Intnzer longest word in the end the issue, titled (for Ochria) .. Scenes began to draw a road map of the Libyan capital of Tripoli, which has spread its terrorist operations like wildfire .. With every passing day on this crime that shook the world and not the more complicated the already existing complications. To that depicted for us the issue of bombing aircraft (Pan) scene of the worst scenes that borne out of the Libyan regime defunct, led by the late President Muammar Gaddafi, who has the body very clearly opportunist in the worst images of crime that took advantage of the weak people to make a breach over the structures affected by the security chaos as set off in accordance with their plan is very accurate .. In retaliation for the bombing that targeted by the U.S. House of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, late in the Libyan capital Tripoli .. hence charged to a slave to the district headquarters and Basit Al-Amin Khalifa charcoal .. And two employees were working in the Libyan Arab Airlines in Malta .. But in fact they are following the External Security, headed by Musa Kusa, and then .. The charge made against them. They blow up a U.S. airliner.
Responsible for translating this case:
In the twelfth month of December in the year 1988, the plane took off (Pan) from Frankfurt to New York through the capital of fog (London). But once over on the flight in the atmosphere of the airport (Heathrow) in 38 minutes should not have exploded in the sky (Lockerbie) in Scotland, which resulted in the death of all the passengers of their number (256), while killing (11) of residents of Lockerbie were killed after it fell on them ruins the aircraft in question.
In this context, said Sudanese translator Jafar Tom's (TID): My story began with the translation of Lockerbie plane bombing case. After that I spent in the Libyan Arab Socialist Jamahiriya thirteen years. During which he worked in several companies for a period of two and half years as a translator in the office of attorney foil Libyan Ibrahim, who was the task of advocacy for the defendants Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima. I was responsible for translating this case .. Unfortunately, that the Libyans have a strange way to address the issues facing their way as I am because of this issue have been introduced in prison five months and seventeen days relative to I join one Sudanese rejoicing the arrival of a new born baby .. and during that Tgazpt chatting with the guests about the things Malam by the issue of Lockerbie .. Among the merits received from the UN Security Council in correspondence a very large up to about (35) Vaúl all Vaúl not less than (500) and paper .. All reasoning .. All correspondence was referring to the people who were in the Office of Libyan Arab Airlines in Malta are three people in this office in their capacity as employees. But they are in fact follow the external security of the device.
The story of the bombing of a plane (Pan):
The voyager (Jafar): the thing that reveal for the first time is that I knew that the defendants in the case of plane bombing (Lockerbie) is not only the three accused .. Rather, they are four people .. Those mentioned in the reasoning and were named in this case came to trial two Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima and to the third defendant, who is called (Djaakh) is the one who raised the issue of airline bombing (Lockerbie) and the fourth, is the driver who carried the bag of explosives, temporary, and the lifting of the Office of Libyan Arab Airlines in Malta .. And then put the costumes .. and after the camouflage of these took the bag from the office to the car and drove off with her to the airport (Felta) .. There were shipped on the basis that they (the unaccompanied baggage Brakp) in one of the Maltese aircraft and then lowered to (Frankfurt) and introduced to the plane (Pan) and the Frankfurt plane was on track. Of London. New York. In order to implement this plan terrorist .. Time timed timer issue with explosives inside the bag on the ground that plane (Pan Am) sky explode over the Atlantic Ocean .. and thus lost all the features of this crime .. But God - the Almighty - and willfully delayed the plane an hour exactly at the airport (Heathrow). So after take-off aircraft (Pan) to (38) minutes the skies above the village of Lockerbie in Scotland, went off the plane, which resulted in death (256) passengers on board including the crew all (11) the person of citizens residing in the village of Lockerbie.
Driver of the escape of al-Megrahi to Egypt:
As he said (Jafar), charged in relation to the bombing of a plane (Pan) at first about the PLO. And then secondly to Syria. And then thirdly to Iran. The reason for the indictment of a sudden to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Socialist is that the defendants Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima. Haddehma and were not in the office of Libyan Arab Airlines in Malta .. It was Parvguethma (Djaakh) car driver Abdul Baset al-Megrahi .. This driver began to feel guilty and complain to his superiors. Aftlba him to return to the presidency in Tripoli, Libyan Airlines. When he returned there to pull him his passport. In addition to that they had to freeze the financial dues and are not picking up his salary. Faced with this economic situation is very compelling and the compressor on the circumstances in the meantime .. With this and that is the head of the family .. For all these reasons and the reasons .. He fled from that hell, to the Arab Republic of Egypt by land across the border adjacent to the public with Egypt .. Once arrived in Cairo and went not directly to the British embassy there and narrated them the story of the bombing of a plane (Pan) from A to J. .. Vtm accordingly transported to the court Nations and said to him Englishmen must remain Bpartyna so we can provide full protection for you .. But despite the assurances he was afraid, knowing full well that the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi will send a late successor of each track his steps and movements and the cantonments, and then wiped out his physical .. Relative to these concerns was sent to the United States does not even reach of the hands of Gaddafi .. So the king held him witness in the case of the bombing of a plane (Pan) .. When brought to the International Tribunal in The Hague was under tight security not seen in the courtroom in the Netherlands before.
The defendant saw the third king of the court:
Sudanese translator and resume (Jafar) the details of this issue, saying: plane crash (Pan) occurred on 21/12/1988 AD. As they were in 1992 and directed the accusation about the Libyan Arab Socialist from the fact that (Djaakh) driver Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa charcoal in Malta O'Shea who blew up the plane Vtm emitting to Britain for questioning about the circumstances in which they were directing the charge to the PLO and Iran then Syria is important that (Djaakh) appeared in court in April 1999, surrounded by about (30) military hold in their hands the latest produced by the arms market in the ancient world and contemporary addition to that he was covering his body completely leftover against lead either the fourth person, which is considered the most important evidence charge in this case is the driver who did not mention his name at all, in the case of the bombing of a plane (Pan), I was fully aware that the defendants in this case is not for good but are the four then the driver just what that set foot in the land of the Libyan capital Tripoli has been remanded in prison by a device external security so as not to leak any information about the criminal process and the way the Libyan leader late Muammar Gaddafi and members of his war in the ousted regime, for example if they sent someone to the liquidation of another human being in Europe and carried out the task successfully, the executor of the operation of the above is just what he returned to the capital Libya (Tripoli) is also being cleared even lost the crime and such cases handled by the Qaddafi regime to carry and throw their bodies into the sea in the Mediterranean that has the area in Libya's territorial waters by predatory sharks that feed the bodies of those
Voices of bullets and the liquidation of inmates
He quoted Sudanese translator (Jafar), one of the crimes committed in the same context, saying: It is the crimes that indicate that Gaddafi was the ruler was a dictator and was bloody and was a criminal murderous not the first nor the last to him and was really a tyrant killed the family of one opposed to his regime in the U.S. and back and facts of this incident to it bombed his home in Tripoli, and inside, the father and the mother of the exhibitions as well as his brother and his wife and his children, young people and those who carried out this crime are the revolutionary groups Jamahiriya and the number was about 7 thousand soldiers at exactly two o'clock in the morning and have cordoned off the area and the house consists of three floors and without mercy or compassion destroyed those Architecture on the ground, including people who Addthm in the context of the presentation of this heinous crime of all Mathml this sense of the word and said Jafar: It went to him I wanted to illustrate to you the gravity of the crimes and violations against humanity, but It's very surprising that the fourth defendant in the case of a plane (Pan) returned to the Libyan capital, Tripoli, and everything to do with your external security is that prison despite that it was easy for them to kill him and throw it in the waters of the Mediterranean to eat sharks or killed just as killing 1200 of prisoners at Abu Salim in the largest massacre of humanity taking place in the Libyan Arab Socialism is strange because I used to live in the Eastern region is very close to the prison mentioned previously I was late at night, hear the sounds of bullets that it was the liquidation of those inmates who have been killed in two days in a row and they all belonged to the Islamic movement.
Mediation fighter Nelson Mandela
He returned Jafar to the Lockerbie case again, saying the main reason that was put on his influence in prison is that some people went to Abdel Basset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima and told them that the lawyer Ibrahim Ghuwayl assigned him the task of defending them is not a specialist in criminal law, but specializes in civil law for that both of you to resort to Mohammed Abu al-Qasim twisting Secretary of the General People's Committee for Justice in order to serve the as a committee of lawyers specializing in criminal law and already accordance with this advice, what was Muhammad Abu al-Qasim torsion only and form them to a committee of six lawyers led by Professor full exclusive and Ibrahim Allaqi At the bottom Ibrahim Ghuwayl member at the same these days, sent the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a freedom fighter Nelson Mandela, who is a close friend of the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to hand over the accused to Pan (Pan) to trial in a neutral country
The reasons for the resignation of the accused's lawyer
Jafar said: It is important that there are problematic between Ibrahim Ghuwayl lawyer accused Abdel Basset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima and his full exclusive old up often to approached the fight, as they were competing for the post of chairman of the Bar of Libyans in the elections were held amid their colleagues in the profession, which made Attorney Ibrahim Ghuwayl anger of the formation of the committee and put a member of that on the day of 2/11/1998 M paid me a paper and asked me to read and I finished them, but I discovered that the decision to form a committee of six lawyers for the defendants Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima, said to me, formed the Committee and not afflicted its head so I will submit my resignation from the bombing of a plane (Pan) and on the back of this dialogue short between me and him started in the collection of correspondence about this issue in order to return it to Mohammed Abu al-Qasim twisting secretary of the People's Committee for Justice in Libya, Arab socialism, said lawyer Ibrahim Ghuwayl : (I have destroyed my office because of this issue, which Turn away from Snama) and saying this only because it deals with law firms in France, Britain and America as we receive them Almkatib by the (DHL) and by the President of the People's Committee for Justice companies are legal experience she told the lawyer for the Libyan Ibrahim Ghuwayl: We stood with you in case of bombing aircraft (Pan) to be able to issue a decision in which you consider that the jurisdiction of this case from the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and not for the UN Security Council.
Pictures: the issue of an interpreter for the Lockerbie airliner bombing reveals new details of the House (2)
Jafar: Deportation of accused al-Megrahi and Fahima to appear before the International Tribunal in The Hague before I was released from prison
Resignation of the defense lawyers on the case blew crisis led to arrest him twice in a row, but
America and Britain were forced Libya to respond to the sanctions, which included a fly in and out
Met: SE bliss
And keep the secrets revealed by the Sudanese translator Jafar Tom .. Professor of translation and interpreter for the Lockerbie issue new secrets in this case, which began to take all these international dimensions on Wednesday, December 21, 1988 AD the date on which exploded when the plane Boeing 747 of the company (Pan) during the flight over Lockerbie .. Dmgriz located in the city of Galway and the west of Scotland United Kingdom British In this context, investigations have been undertaken in a very secret .. During these investigations is declared the various media speculated and analyzed until it had been the internationalization of the issue has resulted in the bombing of the plane killing 259 passengers and 11 people from the village of the above where the plane crashed and the background that formed the families of the victims group pressure is very strong and charged first to the different countries United States of America waging a global struggle and liberation movements of hostility and placed in the box terrorist organizations .. After several years in which he accused the east and west and with this and that America was calling for the arrest of the accused of this offense and sanction them, and in the midst of these circumstances led the United States of responsibility first to the Palestine Liberation Organization and then turning an accusation against Syria and immediately after the Iran and in the end of this tour receive the reckless accusations accusation turned America toward the Libyan Arab socialism in the November 13, 1991 m, and ordered the arrest of two Libyan nationals suspected of including the implementation of this terrorist attack because they work the Office of Libyan Arab Airlines in Malta Airport Luke.
Libya's compliance to demand that America and Britain
Hence suspended staff members Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima and asked the public to provide the possession of evidence related to ship a bag containing within it the explosives and the United States began the U.S. and the United Kingdom their influence to move in the Security Council so that we were able to issue a decision in the March 13, 1992 m with the number 748 by 10 votes with 5 abstentions in favor of the resolution and under the pressure of a strong U.S. and British UN Security Council passed on 11 November of the same year, a decision to call 883, a decision to develop the kind of sanctions and Kogel final set April 15, 1992 m pressure on the Libyan Arab Socialist until the bow to the demands of the two superpowers, and under that resolution imposed sanctions on Libya, which included a fly in and out and prevent the export of arms and reducing the trade and diplomatic relations.
The resume Sudanese translator Jafar Tom tales saying that companies experienced foreign legal that were cooperating with the attorney Libyan Ibrahim Ghuwayl in the case of the Lockerbie bombing demanded the fees their own special and they were able to determine the jurisdiction of the court must be represented before the defendants Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima, where The legal expertise of foreign companies, a resolution is passed confirms that the competence of the consideration of this issue from the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and not for the UN Security Council.
Houses foreign legal expertise
The question that has gained the character of the UN Security Council increased sanctions, with the continued siege on the Libyan Arab socialism under the umbrella of the United Nations and its Secretary-General and the then-Boutros Ghali, despite what caused the blockade of the damage to the Libyan people, but the former regime did not respond to the demands of the United States and the United Kingdom and began to move internationally was hurt Rasa in this direction to convince the world to reject the pressure and threats have had the support of Arab countries represented at the university Arab committee was formed seven-standing to pursue this issue and had the support of non-aligned countries and African countries which, in a summit held at the Aga Dogu capital of Burkina Faso on June 10, 1998 m to break the ban imposed on the mass by September of the same year unless they succumb to their demands and issued a series of decisions of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Organization of International Justice in favor of the objection Libyan that the issue is not the prerogative of the UN Security Council.
In a related context, said Professor translation Jafar Tom: When I got the issue of Lockerbie bombing to this progress and continued corporate legal experience demanding fees from a party the lawyer Ibrahim Ghuwayl assigned him the task of defending the defendants Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima In an interview him with me about that thing he said to me: the more I went to the late President Muammar Gaddafi Bab Azizia .. Explain to him and claim their entitlements houses legal expertise in exchange for the significant role they played in this case tells me (Bahi Bahi ..) and then adds, saying they first let them decide for us Istsdron acquitted the defendants Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima and then We will give them what they want.
Question marks for the resignation of the defense counsel
The Sudanese translator Jafar is still dialogue going on between me and the lawyer Libyan Ibrahim Ghuwayl who said to me and to the late President Muammar Gaddafi to keep the human houses legal expertise until the completion of the case entered into a great embarrassment to them not to repay their financial commitments to match the legal service they have provided us in the case of Lockerbie bombing given that the only solution is that broke my hand to take over the task of defending the accused and gave all correspondence related to Mohammed Abu al-Qasim twisting Secretary of General People's Committee for Justice in Libya, Arab socialism and at the same these days has become some of the journalists attending the attorney's office Libyan Ibrahim Ghuwayl for dialogues press with sound and image and the first three reporters came to the office Ghuwayl and posed him questions, for example is Libya will hand over the defendants Abdul Baset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima for trial in a neutral country in your opinion whether the accused committed the crime or not?!
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