حلمي يخوض اطول قضية في عمولة قطعة أرض استثمارية منذ العام 2007م
عمولتي (850) ألف جنيه وتمثل نسبة 5% من ثمن البيع المتفق عليه
المحكمة العليا تؤيد حكمي محكمة استئناف الخرطوم ومحكمة الخرطوم الجزئية.
الخرطوم : سراج النعيم:
كشف السمسار عاطف حلمي سيد احمد التفاصيل الكاملة لقضيته
ضد إحدى المؤسسات التجاري المعروفة في هذا المجال متهماً إياها بتجاوز حقوقه في
المعاملة التي توسط فيها بين البائع والمشترى .. وقد وصل بهذه القضية إلى المحكمة
العليا – الدائرة الجنائية.
وفي سياق ذي صله قال حلمي : السمسرة تمثل عندي مهنة وهي
المهنة التي عرفها الشرع الإسلامي وحفل بها فقه في المعاملات وبحث فيها كثير من
الفقهاء إلى إكتمال مهمة السمسار عند التوسط بالبيع والشراء حتى بات معروفاً
ومسلماً به أن السمسار إنما يجري تكليفه من أحد طرفي المعاملة ليسعى في البحث عن
الطرف الآخر – دون تكليف منه بذلك – وعندما يحصل عليه يسعى للتقريب بين هذين
الطرفين ويستحق بذلك العمولة المعروفة أو المتفق عليها من الطرفين عند إتمام البيع
والشراء .
ويسترسل : هذا بطبيعة الحال هو المعروف في فقه المعاملات
في باب السمسرة بداهة وهو ذاته ما جرى عليه العمل لدى شعبه اصحاب الوكالات
العقارية السودانية كجهة وحيدة يعترف بها في تنظيم هذه المهنة .. وبناءاً على هذا
المبدأ صدرت كثير من السوابق القضائية المعتبرة .. لذلك أتسأل هل يحتاج السمسار
إلى تكليف لمباشرة عمله الذي يستحق عليه العمولة أم أن قبول المتعامل مع السمسار
للقطعة محل البيع يكفي لاستحقاق العمولة؟ .. وبالتالي عرضت مستندات أشارت إلى
معرفة المشكو ضده بطبيعة عملي.. وهذا الأمر بالتحديد أشارت إليه حيثيات حكم
المحكمة العليا الموقرة في تقارب اقوال الشهود.
سابقتان اسهبتا في السمسرة
ومن واقع فتح الدار إلى ملف السمسرة في السودان واصل
السمسار عاطف حلمي عرض قضيته الأطوال من نوعها في هذا الإطارتقريباً قائلاً : ظللت
أؤكد في كل مراحل الدعوى أنني أعمل سمسار منذ أكثر من ثلاثة عشر عاماً وقد قدمت
بذلك شهادة قيد تم تحريرها لرفع الدعوى .. وهذه الشهادة .. شهادة قيد .. تحرر فقط
لرفع الدعوى ولا تحرر بأثر رجعي .. بل إن رئيس الإتحاد السوداني للمكاتب والوكالات
العقارية قد مثل كشاهد ادعاء وأفاد إفادة واضحة لا لبس فيها ولا غموض بأنني سمسار
قديم ومرخص ليّ منذ بداية عمل الشعبة وليس بعد المعاملة أو بعد رفع الدعوى ..
كلا.. بل أن طرفي المعاملة يعرفان أنني سمسار سبق لهما أن تعاملاً معي. ومن هنا
لابد ليّ من الإشارة إلى سابقة طرفها سمسار وإحدى شركات النقل وقضية السمسار
(أ.م.ح) ضد مؤسسة قومية لرعاية الطلاب وآخرين . فهاتان السابقتان اللتان أسهبتا في
تفاصيل السمسرة ومهمة السمسار حتى رسخ ما رسخ عنهما من مبادئ قيمة ومهمة في فقه
المعاملات من باب السمسرة الأمر الذي يجعل من مخالفتها مسوغاً شرعياً يستوجب
المراجعة .
قضية الصندوق القومي للطلاب
ولنأخذ مثلاًُ قضية (أ.م.ح) ضد المؤسسة المشار إليها
سالفاً والتي قررت فيها المحكمة العليا – الدائرة الجنائية – بتاريخ 24/2/2009م
قراراً يقضي بنقض الحكم واستعادة حكم محكمة الموضوع .
وجاء في الحكم
ان المحكمة لم تقم بمراعاة حكم سابق أصدرته المحكمة العليا حول موضوع العمولة
وقامت بالاستناد على حكم تم إلغاؤه بواسطة المحكمة العليا – كما يأخذ على المحكمة
أنها قامت بتناول الدعوى من جديد رغم أن الحكم الذي أصدرته المحكمة العليا كان
يتعلق بتحديد العمولة ويرى بوجود التناقض في قرار المحكمة حيث أنها ترى في حكمها
بأن الطاعن لا يستحق ما حكم به من عمولة لأنه لم يقم بأي عمل للمطعون ضده.
بينما أكدت
استحقاقه للعمولة . كما ان المحكمة اصدرت حكمها في مواجهة المطعون ضده وهو أصلاً
لم يقم باستئناف الحكم.
إذاً عدنا للدعوى فقد اقامها الطاعن في مواجهة المطعون
ضده حيث يقول بأن الأخير طلب منه بيع قطعة أرض يملكها بأمدرمان وبحكم ان الطاعن
يعمل في مجال السمسرة ولديه ترخيص بذلك فقد قام بالبحث عن مشتر للقطعة إلى أن عثر
على المدعى عليه الثاني الذي قبل بشرائها بمبلغ 18.000.000 مليون دينار ويقول بأنه
يستحق كمقابل كذلك مبلغ تعادل نسبته 10% من القيمة حسب العرف الجاري.
العمولة نسبة 5% من ثمن البيع
ويستمر في الأستدلال بالقضية سالفة الذكر إذ أشارت
المحكمة العليا إلى أنه تم الطعن في عدة مرات وكانت الدعوى عند عرضها على المحكمة
قد قامت بإلغاء تقدير النسبة التي صدر بها الحكم وهي 10% كأتعاب سمسرة للطاعن.
وقد قامت محكمة الموضوع بسماع شهود وتوصلت من البينات
إلى أن النسبة المعمول بها هي 2.5% كعمولة وليس 5% وأن نسبة الـ 5% هي مجموع ما
يدفعه الطرفان ولهذا قامت محكمة الاستئناف بتعديل الحكم الاخير بنسبة 2.5% كأتعاب
سمسرة وليس 10% وهذا هو ما أدى إلى عدم رضاء الطاعن وتقدم بهذا الطعن وتمسك بالحكم
لسلامته ... والخ.
أما عندما أعرض قضيتي التي قمت باستئنافهما لدى محكمة
استئناف الخرطوم المدنية الصادر من محكمة الخرطوم الجزئية بشطب الدعوى التي رفعتها
في مواجهة إحدى الشركات المعروفة تجارياً في السودان في القطعة (....) مربع (...)
بالخرطوم وهي قطعة استثمارية وذلك بغرض شرائها وقد عرضتها على مدير الشركة وهو
بدوره أحالني للمستشار القانوني للشركة والذي طالبني بمستندات القطعة وبالفعل دفعت
له بها ومن ثم بدأت المفاوضات بين البائع والمشترى عبري بحسباني وسيطاً حتى إتمام
الصفقة في العام 2007م مقابل مبلغ سبعة عشر مليون جنيهاً إلا أن المدعى عليها رفضت
سداد عمولتي (850) ألف جنيه وتمثل نسبة 5% من ثمن البيع وفق ما هو متعارف عليه
وبعلم المدعى عليها مما حدا بيَّ إنذارها بالسداد ومن ثم كانت هذه الدعوى والتي
اتسع صدر عدالتكم صبراً وأناة لسمعها .
شاهدة الدفاع الوحيدة في الدعوى
ويضيف حلمي: انحصرت نقطة النزاع
الأولى أن محامي الدفاع قد اشتط شيئاً حينما اشار للمادة (165) من قانون المعاملات
المدنية بل لعله جانب الصواب حينما اعتمد على مقولة بانني استخرجت شهادة قيد
كسمسار مرخص بعد بيع القطعة محل العمولة ولعمري فإن استخراجي شهادة القيد كسمسار
تعني بالضرورة أنني مقيد سلفاً بسجل الوسطاء ومن ثم فإن التعويل على هذه الجزئية
لا يستقيم.
أما فيما يلي نقطة النزاع الثانية
..فأنني أرى إحترام بأن التعويل على أفادة المستشار القانوني للمدعى عليها من أن
شاهدة الدفاع الوحيدة قد عرفت القطعة محل العمولة للمدعى عليها في منتصف العام
2006م وهو ما تكذبه حقيقة أنها قد عرضت القطعة المعنية للمدعي عليها في العام
2004م.. وما يعيب مثل هذه الافادة انها مجرد حديث الا ان ما يقضي علي هذه الشهادة
اكثر مما تقدم السؤال: تري أين ذهبت المستندات التي تحدثت عنها الشاهدة؟ في حين ان
المستندات ظلت بطرفي والتي قدمتها أمام
محكمتكم الموقرة وقد شهد الطرف البائع ممثلا
في شاهد الادعاء (3) بأنني ودون غيري
هو الذي اخطرهم بانه المندوب الحصري عن
الشركة المدعي عليها وأنني ودون غيري من أخذ اصل المستندات منهم.
المنشور الاداري رقم (1) لسنة 2000م
عاطف قضيته: أنني إزاء كل ما ذهبت إليه أعود إلى نقطة النزاع الثالثة فبرغم ان
السابقة الحديثة التي استهللتها والتي ارفقتها في عرض القضية على محكمة استئناف
الخرطوم المدنية تعني بالكلية عن مايزيد بل اؤكد ان الاتفاق على مادون الـ 5%
عمولة إنما يبقي عبئاً على الدفاع وهو الذي يفيد منه بالضرورة وحال فشله تبقي
العمولة بهذا المقدار هي الواجبة في ذمته دون غيرها رغم ذلك فأنني ازيد بأن
الشاهدة قد عمدت لاخفاء حقيقة هذا الاتفاق شأنها شأن المدعي عليها وهذا مما يتسق
ويصادف تصريحها وفق ما اورده شاهد الادعاء (5) والذي أكد قولها بانها (مابتقدر
تشهد ضد...) الا ان شاهد الادعاء (2) قد
أكد أن الشاهدة قد خاطبت المستشار القانوني للشركة بقولها (عاطف دا مازي عاطف بيأخذ
5% ولو ما أخذ 5 % مابتم الشغل) ثم اضاف الشاهد (ك ما رفض) ثم أن
شاهد الادعاء (4) رئيس شعبة الوكلات العقارية قد أكد على هذه النسبة وأبرز المنشور
الاداري رقم (1) لسنة 2000م وتكمن أهمية
هذا المنشور فوق ما اشتمل عليه من مضمون
انه بمثابة اعلان بالتعاقد يلزم الطرف الاخر في حالة عدم الاتفاق على نسبة اخري بذاتها زادت او نقصت
او حالة السكوت عن ذكر أي نسبة أن نسبة 5%
هي الواجبة.
المحكمة تحدد نقاط النزاع
حلمي على منضدة الصحيفة القرار الذي اصدرته المحكمة القومية العليا – الدائرة
الجنائية في طعنه ضد حكمي محكمة استئناف الخرطوم ومحكمة الموضوع حيث جاء القرار
على النحو الأتي: -
الطعن إيجازياً برسومه ويخطر مقدمه ومن ثم تمت إعادة الأوراق إلى محكمة
استئناف الخرطوم وذلك لأجراء اللازم.
الوقائع تلخيص في أن الطاعن قام بعمل دعواه في مواجهة المطعون ضدها وجاء فيها بأنه
يعمل سمسار وقد قام بعرض القطعة محل العمولة الى المطعون ضدها وجرت مفاوضات بينه
وبينها حتي تم الشراء مقابل مبلغ سبعة عشر مليون جنيه في 22/7/2007م بعدها طالب
بمنحه العمولة ونسبة لرفض المطعون ضدها لجأ الى القضاء وقام بعمل هذه الدعوي
مطالبا بعمولته البالغة 5% وفقا للعرف عند الرد على الدعوي انكرت المطعون
ضدها عمل الطاعن وأقرت بالشراء وناهضت مبلغ الشراء .. قامت المحكمة بتحديد نقاط
النزاع وسمعت الدعوي واصدرت حكمها الذي قضي بشطبها برسومها وهو الحكم الذي أيدته محكمة الاستئناف .. لهذا جاء الطعن
بالنقض في الحكم ويقول الطاعن فيه ان المطعون ضدها قد قبلت عرض الطاعن ومهمته اصلاً
هي التوفيق بين الطرفين وتنشأ الرابطة
القانونية بمجرد قبول المشتري للقطعة التي عرضها السمسار له وهذا ماحصل
بالنسبة لبيع القطعة موضوع الدعوي.
أقوال الشهود هي نقطة النزاع المهمة
ماورد في عريضة الدعوي وما وضع من الوقائع فان الطاعن قد قام بعرض القطعة موضوع
الدعوي على المطعون ضدها وأن الأخيرة قد قامت بشرائها ووافقت على ما قدمه الطاعن
من عرض لها.
فشل الطاعن في اثبات وجود عمولة فيما
قام به من عمل لأنه لم يستطع اثبات وجود
تكليف له من المطعون ضدها للبحث لها عن
قطعة أرض ووجود علاقة قانونية تشير إلى أنه قد قام بعمله على اساس أنه سمسار وما
قام به جاء على اتفاق مع المطعون ضدها وليس مجرد عرض منه للشراء كما ان قضية
الادعاء لم تؤكد واقعة عرض الطاعن للعقار
للمطعون ضدها وهناك تضارب في أقوال الشهود وهي نقطة النزاع المهمة.
النقطة التي لأبد من مناقشتها واشار اليها الدفاع هي ان الوقائع ينطبق عليها
القانون الولائي رقم (6) لسنة 1999م فهو القانون الذي عرف عقد السمسرة وجاء في
التعريف بأن السمسار هو الشخص الذي يكلفه
أحد طرفي المعاملة التجارية بقصد التوسط
لدي الطرف الآخر لاتمام المعاملة بينهما والسمسرة هي العمل الذي يقوم به السمسار مقابل جعل عيني أو
مادي متفق عليه.
الطاعن هو مجرد مندوب من الشركة
إذا رجعنا للضوابط التي اشترطها القانون آنف الذكر في المادة 9/1 فقد جاء فيها: لا
يجوز لأي شخص ممارسة السمسرة دون الحصول على رخصة وشهادة قيد في السجل التجاري من
المحلية المختصة.
الطاعن ورد فيها بأنه يعمل سمسار على سبيل الاعتراف ولكنه لم يكن في وقت ممارسته
للمهنة لديه رخصة للعمل بها بل يقول قد قام باستخراجها بعد عملية بيع الأرض موضوع
الدعوي لهذا يكون ما قام به بصفته تلك لا
سند له قانوناً حيث انه عمل بدون ترخيص ويعتبر مخالفاً للقانون لأنه باقراره قد
قام به وهو لا يملك الرخصة القانونية التي
ينص عليها القانون المشار إليه.
كان الادعاء قد فشل في اثبات ان التعامل كان على اساس القانون المشار اليه وان
الوقائع اشارت الى ان الطاعن هو مجرد
مندوب من المطعون ضدها في تعامله مع مالك القطعة فلا سبيل إلى منحه العمولة
التي يطالب بها في الدعوي لأنه لا يستحقها وقد توصلت المحكمة إلى القرار الصحيح
عندما قامت بشطب الدعوي وهو القرار الذي أيدتها فيه محكمة الاستئناف وهو قرار يجد منا التأييد لسلامته وصحته.
إذا وافقني الزملاء المحترمين أري أن نؤيد الحكم ونأمر بشطب الطعن إيجازيا برسومه
حيث أنه لا أمل فيه.. ووقع القضاء الثلاثة للمحكمة العليا – الدائرة الجنائية.
House open file reports and issues of Realtors police departments and the courts
Helmi's longest running case in the commission of an investment piece of land since 2007.
Amolte (850) pounds and is 5% of the sales price agreed upon
Judgments of the Supreme Court supports the Court of Appeal and the Court of Khartoum, Khartoum District.
Khartoum: SE bliss:
Revealed Realtor Atef Helmy Syed Ahmad full details of his case against a
well-known commercial institutions in this area, accusing it of exceeding his
rights in the transaction brokered by the seller and the buyer .. He arrived in
this case to the Supreme Court - Criminal Division.
In a related context, said Hilmi: brokerage representing my profession a profession defined by Islamic law and a concert by the jurisprudence of the transactions and research where many of the scholars to the completion of the task of the broker when the broker, buying and selling until it is known and taken for granted that the broker but is being assigned from one end of the transaction to seek in the search for the other party - without assigning him so - and when he gets it seeks to bridge the gap between the two parties and this commission is known or agreed upon by the parties at the completion of the sale and purchase.
And goes on: This course is known in the jurisprudence of brokerage transactions in the door is obviously the same as it was working for the people of Sudan owners of real estate agencies as a single recognized in the organization of the profession .. Based on this principle were a lot of case law will prevail .. So I wonder Do I need a broker to assign directly to his work which is worth it or will accept the commission with the broker dealer for a piece of the shop is enough to qualify for commissions? .. And thus offered documents indicated to know the nature of my work complained against him .. This is specifically referred to the merits of the venerable Supreme Court ruling in the convergence of witness testimony.
In a related context, said Hilmi: brokerage representing my profession a profession defined by Islamic law and a concert by the jurisprudence of the transactions and research where many of the scholars to the completion of the task of the broker when the broker, buying and selling until it is known and taken for granted that the broker but is being assigned from one end of the transaction to seek in the search for the other party - without assigning him so - and when he gets it seeks to bridge the gap between the two parties and this commission is known or agreed upon by the parties at the completion of the sale and purchase.
And goes on: This course is known in the jurisprudence of brokerage transactions in the door is obviously the same as it was working for the people of Sudan owners of real estate agencies as a single recognized in the organization of the profession .. Based on this principle were a lot of case law will prevail .. So I wonder Do I need a broker to assign directly to his work which is worth it or will accept the commission with the broker dealer for a piece of the shop is enough to qualify for commissions? .. And thus offered documents indicated to know the nature of my work complained against him .. This is specifically referred to the merits of the venerable Supreme Court ruling in the convergence of witness testimony.
{Ashbta precedents in the brokerage:
From the open house to a broker in Sudan continued to broker Atef Helmy present
his case lengths of its kind in this Alatartgariba saying, I have argued at all
stages of the proceedings I work broker for more than thirteen years have made
this registration certificate has been edited to suit .. This certificate ..
Certificate .. Only for the liberation and emancipation suit retroactively ..
Indeed, the Sudanese president of the Union for offices and agencies such as real
estate may claim a witness statement and reported a clear and unequivocal,
unambiguous and that I am a broker is licensed to me since the beginning of the
Division's work and not after treatment or after filing the lawsuit .. Both ..
But that the parties to the transaction know that I already have a broker that
discourse with me. Hence, I must refer to a previous tip Broker and one of the
carriers and the issue of Realtor (a. M. H) against a national institution for
the care of students and others. These two previous two, which Oshbta the
details of the brokerage and the broker until the mission is established with
them cemented the principles of value and important in the jurisprudence of the
door of brokerage transactions which makes the violation a legitimate
justification requires review.
{The issue of the National Endowment for Students:
Take for example the issue of (a. M. H) against the institution referred to
above and decided that the Supreme Court - Criminal Division - On 24/2/2009 AD
to veto a decision to restore the rule of judgment and the trial court.
According to the rule that the court did not take into account a previous ruling by the Supreme Court on the subject of the commission, the basis of the rule was repealed by the Supreme Court - also takes on the court that it had to address the case of a new, although the ruling by the Supreme Court was the determination of the commission believes the existence of the contradiction the court's decision where it considers in its ruling that the appellant did not deserve what is the ruling by the commission because he does not have any of the contested action against him.
While emphasizing his entitlement to a commission. As the court issued its judgment in the face of respondent who is originally does not have appeal.
If you go back for the suit was brought by appellant against the respondent, where he says that the latter asked him to sell a piece of land owned Omdurman and by virtue of the appellant is working in the field of brokerage and has a license to do so has the search for a buyer of the piece to be found on the second defendant, who before bought at $ 18.000. 000 million dinars, and he says he is opposed as well as the amount equivalent to 10% of the value according to current practice.
According to the rule that the court did not take into account a previous ruling by the Supreme Court on the subject of the commission, the basis of the rule was repealed by the Supreme Court - also takes on the court that it had to address the case of a new, although the ruling by the Supreme Court was the determination of the commission believes the existence of the contradiction the court's decision where it considers in its ruling that the appellant did not deserve what is the ruling by the commission because he does not have any of the contested action against him.
While emphasizing his entitlement to a commission. As the court issued its judgment in the face of respondent who is originally does not have appeal.
If you go back for the suit was brought by appellant against the respondent, where he says that the latter asked him to sell a piece of land owned Omdurman and by virtue of the appellant is working in the field of brokerage and has a license to do so has the search for a buyer of the piece to be found on the second defendant, who before bought at $ 18.000. 000 million dinars, and he says he is opposed as well as the amount equivalent to 10% of the value according to current practice.
{5% commission from the sales price:
And continues to cause the above reasoning as the Supreme Court indicated that
it had been challenged several times and when the case is before the Court may
cancel the assessment ratio, which was issued by the government of the 10%
brokerage Kotaab for appellant.
Has the trial court to hear the witnesses and found evidence that the rate applicable is 2.5% as commission and not 5% and 5% is the sum of the amount paid by the parties and that the Court of Appeal amended the latter provision by 2.5% Kotaab brokerage, and not 10%, and this is what led to the appellant's dissatisfaction with the progress of this appeal and hold the power for his safety ... And so on.
But when you introduce the issues that the Court of Appeals Bastinavhma Khartoum issued by the Civil Court of Khartoum, the partial removal of a lawsuit filed by a company in the face of known commercially in the Sudan in the segment (....) box (...) in Khartoum, which is a piece of investment in order to buy has been presented to the director of the company, which in turn Ahalna legal adviser to the company, which asks documentation piece and have already paid him out and then started negotiations between the seller and buyer Hebrew Bhspain intermediary to complete the transaction in the year 2007 as compared to the amount of seventeen million pounds, but the defendant refused to pay Amolte (850 ) thousand pounds, representing 5% of the sales price according to what is customary with the knowledge of the defendant which made me pay warning and then this was the case, which was expanded Aadaltkm patience and patience to its reputation.
Has the trial court to hear the witnesses and found evidence that the rate applicable is 2.5% as commission and not 5% and 5% is the sum of the amount paid by the parties and that the Court of Appeal amended the latter provision by 2.5% Kotaab brokerage, and not 10%, and this is what led to the appellant's dissatisfaction with the progress of this appeal and hold the power for his safety ... And so on.
But when you introduce the issues that the Court of Appeals Bastinavhma Khartoum issued by the Civil Court of Khartoum, the partial removal of a lawsuit filed by a company in the face of known commercially in the Sudan in the segment (....) box (...) in Khartoum, which is a piece of investment in order to buy has been presented to the director of the company, which in turn Ahalna legal adviser to the company, which asks documentation piece and have already paid him out and then started negotiations between the seller and buyer Hebrew Bhspain intermediary to complete the transaction in the year 2007 as compared to the amount of seventeen million pounds, but the defendant refused to pay Amolte (850 ) thousand pounds, representing 5% of the sales price according to what is customary with the knowledge of the defendant which made me pay warning and then this was the case, which was expanded Aadaltkm patience and patience to its reputation.
{The only witness the defense in the lawsuit:
He says Hilmi: limited point of conflict first that defense counsel may Achtt
something when pointed to Article (165) of the Civil Transactions Act it is
even the right thing when it relied on the argument that I extracted the
certificate under a broker is licensed after the sale (s) place of commission
and I am the Astkhraja certificate of registration as a broker not necessarily
mean I am restricted in advance a record of intermediaries and then the
reliability of this part is not correct.
The following points of conflict the second .. I see the respect that the reliability of the testimony of the Legal Counsel for the defendant that the witness the defense only has known a piece replace the commission of the defendant in the middle of the year 2006, which is belied by the fact that it has offered a piece on the plaintiff in the year 2004. . The disadvantage of such a benefit it is just talk, but what this certificate to spend more of the above question: Where did you see the documents that I talked about the witness? While the documents have been submitted by both parties to the front of your court has seen the venerable party seller represented by the prosecution witness (3) that I and others without, which is the most dangerous as the exclusive representative for the respondent company and that I and others without taking the documents out of them.
Publication of administrative number (1) of 2000
And resume Atef his case: I am about all that I went back to the point of conflict, the third setting aside the previous modern Asthlltha and annexed in the case to the Court of Appeal of Khartoum civil means the college for more than even I confirm that the agreement to below the 5% commission but keep the burden on the defense who benefit from it necessarily, and if his failure to keep the commission by this amount is due in discharged without the other though, I I increase that the witness may deliberately to hide the truth of this agreement, like the respondent, and this is something that is consistent and coincides with her statement, according to MEMRI prosecution witness (5), which confirmed the saying that it (Maptkdr testify against ...), but the prosecution witness (2) had confirmed that the witness has addressed the legal adviser to the company by saying (Atef Atef da Mazi Baokhz 5% if taken 5% Mapettm job) and then added the witness (as he refused) and then that the prosecution witness (4) Chief, Division of Aluklat Properties has confirmed this figure and highlighted the publication of administrative number (1) for the year 2000, The significance of this publication over what included it from the content that a declaration of contract required the other party in the event of disagreement on the proportion of other stand-alone increased or decreased, or if nothing were to give any percentage of that 5% is due.
Court determine the points of conflict
My dream and put the paper on a table the decision issued by the National Supreme Court - Criminal Division in the appeal against my judgment the Court of Appeal of Khartoum and the trial court where the decision was made as follows: -
Strike out the appeal and notify the Aajazia Brsome introduction and then was re-papers to the court of appeal and that Khartoum for further action.
And can the facts summarized in that the appellant has done his claim in the face of the contested against her and in which he said that he was working Broker has introduced the piece replaced the commission to the contested against them, and negotiations took place between them until the purchase was for the amount of seventeen million pounds in the 22/7/2007 AD after the student by giving the commission The proportion of contested against her for refusing refuge to the judiciary and the work of this lawsuit demanding Bamolth of 5%, according to custom when responding to the lawsuit denied the contested action against the appellant and approved the purchase and the purchase amount Nahit .. The court identified points of conflict and I heard the call and issued a ruling that write-off Brsomea spent a ruling upheld by the Court of Appeal .. For this application for judicial review came in judgment and say that the appellant had contested against the appellant accepted the offer and mission originally was to reconcile the parties and established the legal bond as soon as the buyer to accept the piece presented by the broker, and this has happened for the sale (s) subject of the lawsuit.
Statements of witnesses is the point of the conflict task
Stated in the petition and put the facts, the appellant had introduced the piece on the merits of the case against the respondent and that the latter had purchased and agreed to the appellant of his width.
The failure of the appellant to prove the existence of a commission in his work because he could not prove the existence of commissioning of its contested against her to search her for a piece of land and the existence of a legal relationship suggests that it might work on the basis that the broker and his came to an agreement with the contested against them, and not just a show of it to buy as the prosecution's case did not confirm the fact Showing the property to the appellant contested against it and there are inconsistencies in the statements of witnesses, a point of conflict task.
But the point that must be discussed and referred to by the defense is that the facts fit the law state levels No. (6) for the year 1999 is the law that defined a brokerage said in a definition that the broker is the person who assigned one of the parties to the commercial transaction in order to mediate with the other party to complete the transaction between them and the brokerage is the work done by the broker for making the eyes or material agreed.
Appellant is merely representative of the company
But if we go back to the controls required by the law in the above-mentioned Article 9/1 has, which stated: No person shall practice brokerage without a license and a certificate of registration in the commercial register of the local authorities.
And the statements of the appellant states that he was working broker for the recognition but it was not at the time of exercise of the profession has a license to work out, but he says has extracted after the sale of the land subject of the case for this is what he had done in that capacity and not supported by law, where he had worked without a license and is contrary the law as it has by endorsing him and he does not have a legal license provided for by law referred to.
If the prosecution had failed to prove that the deal was on the basis of law referred to and that the facts indicated that the appellant is merely representative of the contested against it in its dealings with the owner (s) there is no way to give him the commission claimed in the lawsuit because he does not deserve the Court reached the decision right when the removal of the lawsuit, a decision that endorsed the Court of Appeal, a decision that we find support for his safety and health.
For this and if I see respected colleagues Avgueni that support the rule and it is ordered removal of the appeal Aajazia Brsome where there is no hope it .. And signed eliminate three of the Supreme Court - Criminal Division.
The following points of conflict the second .. I see the respect that the reliability of the testimony of the Legal Counsel for the defendant that the witness the defense only has known a piece replace the commission of the defendant in the middle of the year 2006, which is belied by the fact that it has offered a piece on the plaintiff in the year 2004. . The disadvantage of such a benefit it is just talk, but what this certificate to spend more of the above question: Where did you see the documents that I talked about the witness? While the documents have been submitted by both parties to the front of your court has seen the venerable party seller represented by the prosecution witness (3) that I and others without, which is the most dangerous as the exclusive representative for the respondent company and that I and others without taking the documents out of them.
Publication of administrative number (1) of 2000
And resume Atef his case: I am about all that I went back to the point of conflict, the third setting aside the previous modern Asthlltha and annexed in the case to the Court of Appeal of Khartoum civil means the college for more than even I confirm that the agreement to below the 5% commission but keep the burden on the defense who benefit from it necessarily, and if his failure to keep the commission by this amount is due in discharged without the other though, I I increase that the witness may deliberately to hide the truth of this agreement, like the respondent, and this is something that is consistent and coincides with her statement, according to MEMRI prosecution witness (5), which confirmed the saying that it (Maptkdr testify against ...), but the prosecution witness (2) had confirmed that the witness has addressed the legal adviser to the company by saying (Atef Atef da Mazi Baokhz 5% if taken 5% Mapettm job) and then added the witness (as he refused) and then that the prosecution witness (4) Chief, Division of Aluklat Properties has confirmed this figure and highlighted the publication of administrative number (1) for the year 2000, The significance of this publication over what included it from the content that a declaration of contract required the other party in the event of disagreement on the proportion of other stand-alone increased or decreased, or if nothing were to give any percentage of that 5% is due.
Court determine the points of conflict
My dream and put the paper on a table the decision issued by the National Supreme Court - Criminal Division in the appeal against my judgment the Court of Appeal of Khartoum and the trial court where the decision was made as follows: -
Strike out the appeal and notify the Aajazia Brsome introduction and then was re-papers to the court of appeal and that Khartoum for further action.
And can the facts summarized in that the appellant has done his claim in the face of the contested against her and in which he said that he was working Broker has introduced the piece replaced the commission to the contested against them, and negotiations took place between them until the purchase was for the amount of seventeen million pounds in the 22/7/2007 AD after the student by giving the commission The proportion of contested against her for refusing refuge to the judiciary and the work of this lawsuit demanding Bamolth of 5%, according to custom when responding to the lawsuit denied the contested action against the appellant and approved the purchase and the purchase amount Nahit .. The court identified points of conflict and I heard the call and issued a ruling that write-off Brsomea spent a ruling upheld by the Court of Appeal .. For this application for judicial review came in judgment and say that the appellant had contested against the appellant accepted the offer and mission originally was to reconcile the parties and established the legal bond as soon as the buyer to accept the piece presented by the broker, and this has happened for the sale (s) subject of the lawsuit.
Statements of witnesses is the point of the conflict task
Stated in the petition and put the facts, the appellant had introduced the piece on the merits of the case against the respondent and that the latter had purchased and agreed to the appellant of his width.
The failure of the appellant to prove the existence of a commission in his work because he could not prove the existence of commissioning of its contested against her to search her for a piece of land and the existence of a legal relationship suggests that it might work on the basis that the broker and his came to an agreement with the contested against them, and not just a show of it to buy as the prosecution's case did not confirm the fact Showing the property to the appellant contested against it and there are inconsistencies in the statements of witnesses, a point of conflict task.
But the point that must be discussed and referred to by the defense is that the facts fit the law state levels No. (6) for the year 1999 is the law that defined a brokerage said in a definition that the broker is the person who assigned one of the parties to the commercial transaction in order to mediate with the other party to complete the transaction between them and the brokerage is the work done by the broker for making the eyes or material agreed.
Appellant is merely representative of the company
But if we go back to the controls required by the law in the above-mentioned Article 9/1 has, which stated: No person shall practice brokerage without a license and a certificate of registration in the commercial register of the local authorities.
And the statements of the appellant states that he was working broker for the recognition but it was not at the time of exercise of the profession has a license to work out, but he says has extracted after the sale of the land subject of the case for this is what he had done in that capacity and not supported by law, where he had worked without a license and is contrary the law as it has by endorsing him and he does not have a legal license provided for by law referred to.
If the prosecution had failed to prove that the deal was on the basis of law referred to and that the facts indicated that the appellant is merely representative of the contested against it in its dealings with the owner (s) there is no way to give him the commission claimed in the lawsuit because he does not deserve the Court reached the decision right when the removal of the lawsuit, a decision that endorsed the Court of Appeal, a decision that we find support for his safety and health.
For this and if I see respected colleagues Avgueni that support the rule and it is ordered removal of the appeal Aajazia Brsome where there is no hope it .. And signed eliminate three of the Supreme Court - Criminal Division.
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