Forensic report says (in broken skull and a broken pelvis) Police arrest son and his motherThe body was washed and Mkvna brought for burial in cemeteries .. This is the secret last call with the deceasedThe doctor confirmed his workshop: (Shadia sick of Aaron Lhaljoh And not the same)Khartoum: SE bliss:What can we say in this crime characterized by vague and strange together? .. And a source of mystery and strangeness in the way that lured the victim (Shadia) from the home of her brother revolution warm (43) north of Omdurman to the city of Mansheya Khartoum and then bring the dead to the starting point of the first which are fully equipped to Moaradtha buried after he was deluding her parents their exposure to the slip confirmed the attack on Ms. impact on accidents as Osaft to Khartoum Teaching Hospital .. This is not fool the victim's brother, who began to explore the secret hide the Son, and his mother asked them to highlight that the doctor's decision Palmtovah which enter everyone in turmoil and bewilderment .. Received after the above mentioned lady that it exists .. What was Muhammad Harun Ahalioh Ebagtha But another question Where is he? Placed in his hands the completed prescription onion from near or far from the situation before him on the back of the ambulance which was carrying the body in the meantime by Mahadda go directly to the police station west lanes and reporting of these events .. Prompting police personnel to move him quickly to the house of the complainant and the arrest of his son and his mother .. And then transfer the body to the morgue of Forensic Medicine to find out the cause of death .. Thus furthered] victim's family Shadia Aaron Ahalioh very exciting story in short supply because of human values such as justice, truth and goodness.{Soliciting from home revolution:And resume the brother of deceased Shadia Mohammad Haroon Ahalioh tales away from what restricts the human self from saying the word of truth, saying: This is a serious issue and where the risk that the victim's kin-son and his mother accused of committing the offense the violator of the laws by enacting the heavenly and human beings. As well as extermination against all the values and principles .. Sad very sad for my sister accused of stealing (8) thousand dollars and then provoke a revolution from my house warm (43) to Mansheya Khartoum to attack them beaten without mercy or compassion .. Confirms beyond any doubt that there is a kind of collusion between grief and wounds. But despite all this I would like to note that our son and his mother would not let us lose sight of the rights of the victim (Shadia) that will not forget that they used the absolute courage in the face without being put into consideration the feelings and the feelings of the bereaved families .. Especially as we are fully aware that life is not a walk to pick the fruit but there is only a tax must be paid by the people .. With this and that, believe firmly fatalism .. But when we pause contemplative in the implications of this case, we find bearing fraught with a lot of ambiguity, which is beginning to emerge of mistakes committed by the plans and Debra for this offense, which will not Iktverh have a history .. Since the task of history documentary cash Sualb .. Here we are writing this history is very painful and sad, too.{Hero of the story Shadia accused of theft:He adds Ahalioh: How can the image according to new data for the evolution of the prisoners in the ocean .. Which is dominated by an atmosphere I can not in any way he described, but that it is possible to see on the ground .. What exactly happened is that we had before the death of almost a month and a half in the buildings in Khartoum Street (33). And we were all in us, including the victim (Shadia) in the house of mourning and we are back and we left her there. On Thursday before last, I contacted her by phone and I said to her: Aa_ak_ih should come to my house warm Revolution (43) Tsafra even to your mother .. Before I respond to them picked up the phone Khaltna highway daughter said to me: O Muhammad, the forty on Friday .. So let her go with us this day and then come to you, God willing .. I said to her: I do not mind it .. Shadia and actually came on Saturday night .. It was that I asked her about their conditions said fully Praise be to Allah .. Having made a promise to travel on Monday .. The surprise for me was that his son a hero story, phoned me in the same evening of the day came when my sister to my house revolution warm (43) and said my interlocutor of the other party: O Muhammad, I am very sorry for this contact, but an event of your sister (Shadia) that was stolen from me (8) thousand dollars .. I said to him: Aaflan you know and I also think that to do really like this .. If we assume that it did, you should come to it at home .. He told me tomorrow I'll be with you .. Before closing the phone he told me: When will attend home from work I told him at noon the third .. He told me: Let's meet at a specific place and then we come together to Shadia and I said to him with open arms .. Here it was a natural, but what happened after this phone call?{Beat them severely beat:Ahalioh and answer to the question by saying the above-mentioned: So that I referred to in this case rushed to the solution .. That he violated terms of the appointment made by me and the revolution came to my house warm (43) about one o'clock at noon, accompanied by one of them and they traveling in a car .. Stop by the front door of the house they found my little girl playing in the street to Vugea Saalhma .. Is this the house of Muhammad Harun Ahalioh? Fajapthma yes .. What was their only Delva They asked for the little one inside you then this room (Shadia), said to them: no .. Said to her, the person concerned where are they? She said to him: at the other end. The thing that prompted him to go directly to it in the room that was sitting where and what she signed his eyes in her eyes only, and beat them severely with the adjective qualities I do not want to address them simultaneously was Shadia says to him: (Aaflan speak da defect from you), he said to her: if Knin originally innocent of the charges you to accompany me until Mansheya Nbarra your situation to my mother .. She said to him: so will I walk with you .. It was that came out of the house is a facilities and boarded the car to the Mansheya arrived in Khartoum.{Dipset reveal interesting details:He went on Ahalioh .. According to statements made by the entry of the son and his mother as they said they enter (Shadia) to the room and switched them off for them .. And remained on the back of this form is Ausaunha and his mother, and she was screaming in the meantime, screaming from severe pain that suddenly fell silent .. Overfill the place of silence terrible and strange .. Once over that minutes should not and Fattaha door of the room and went out and are carrying my sister Shadia dead body and put it in the car Khasthma on the basis that they will Asafaha to incidents of Khartoum Teaching Hospital, and here I received a phone call from the mother of the accused about nine o'clock on Sunday night and she told me through this call phone constantly to God .. Shadia slip if her heart attack and we Osafnaha to Khartoum teaching hospital accident and I said to her: What's the problem Antzerona there and I was on my way to you .. It was that arrived at the scene set by this lady and began to look for them where and when they did not find them resorted to official Statistics, Department of Emergency and discussed between the cases, the patient, but I did not find the name of my sister (Shadia Aaron Ahalioh) which prompted me to ask a question to the official, who was involved down the conditions ? He told me not want us in the Accident case similar to this case entered in the confused, but this uncertainty did not remain a lot because I held a telephone conversation son and his mother came the reply from the other party (the joint can not access it now) then I realized that in order confusion.Transfer of deceased to the ministry of RevolutionHe adds Ahalioh: What is that over on my moments, but I received a phone call from my brother (Abbas) that benefit me when I brought our sister Shadia revolution to my house warm (43) by ambulance and I said to him: How did this happen? The agency asked: Did you receive something of them from the doctor explains her death and the reasons leading to this death.? He told me never just come out fully equipped for any Moaradtha rich that her body washed and enshrouded Where is this we are not aware it? .. I said to him: O Abbas does not behave any action, even if I came to you tomorrow, and it was that moved in front of the incidents of Khartoum Teaching Hospital directly to my house revolution warm (43) was a surprise for me too that it had found what he told me my brother Abbas is correct one hundred percent I threw off their greeting and then asked his son where the mother is a doctor? She is troubled and confused: My question is I retorted another Where is he now? What was this lady only, and that paid to Burikh small and when Tfhstha I found a prescription from a doctor what line the following: (patient Shadia Aaron Ahalioh no pulse is not the same) and this confirms it relates is dead and therefore been developing such a prescription medical in the case file.Author, Department of Police West lanesAhalioh says: It is here you taking a look at the body of my sister (Shadia) discovered that it multiplied by a severe beating I said to them: What can we say as we see the violence visible on the body of the victim? Then I told them not to behave that go to the police station and already you inform the police of the facts of this crime, what was of them, but although they came with me to my house and contacted the incidents of Khartoum Teaching Hospital they brought to us quickly and having examined the case of (Shadia) around the body to the morgue while forensic police arrested his son and his mother was Aadallma guarding a police station west lanes, which opened a communication under Article (130) of the Criminal Code and interpretation of the number of murder (1066) on Sunday, 4/3/2012 AD and as a family we are all unanimous that takes legal its course, especially as it is unmarried and aged (53 years), a well-known moral, good and righteousness Add to that she is a very simple and can be of this view find it when family and friends here and there in the hometown Paljblin They were operating a butterfly in the custody of children (kindergarten) in the revolution warm (43) and when it occurred to us of death Balamarat Street (33) cut off from their work and remained in the house of mourningLast call with the deceasedAs said Abdel-Hafiz's brother victim Shadia Aaron Ahalioh: Is the human being is very simple accused her of stealing (8) thousand dollars Mounhih Khartoum and the amount found him away from her and even if we assume it was stolen this amount, the law guarantees refund of these rights, not Tguets them in this way ugly and when it was taken from the home of our brother Muhammad Harun largest Ahalioh we were in the mountains and he was in his work.And picked up his glove to talk his brother, Abdel-Moneim said: We do not want anything except to hold the law run its courseWhile Mohammed Ismail Ibrahim free the victim Shadia: I was talking to them over the phone last Saturday where I told her, 'O my daughter when will come, she said to me: God's will on Sunday be with you I said to her, your mother is in dire need you so I'm ready because I came Here in the buildings in Khartoum Street (33) to take you from there to the mountains.Smashed in the skull and a broken pelvisThe paper's sister deceased Shadia Aaron Ahalioh she said, is the largest suffered three years, was killed in a suspected criminal in which he said the forensic report as follows: (broken skull and a broken pelvis) that is, they tortured severe punishment of the son and his mother until she died at the mercy of freed slave and they bringing nappies to the house of my brother Muhammad Harun Ahalioh ambulance vehicle to be buried up to hide the circumstances leading up to her deathRemember, Mary, daughter aunt deceased Shadia Aaron Ahalioh she has been is Bpartyhm forty days from the date of death that occurred to them in the buildings in Khartoum Street (33) We did not expect to be the end of the sad, plunging us confusion and surprise and puzzlement, because the charge they have long been in this cause false accusation has no basis of its health and it stems from the amount that they said were found in the stolen thing which confirms that it fell victim without the guilt I did.
الثلاثاء، 13 مارس 2012
Photos: The story of the sad death of Shadia beat between hot Revolution (43) and Khartoum Mansheya
Forensic report says (in broken skull and a broken pelvis) Police arrest son and his motherThe body was washed and Mkvna brought for burial in cemeteries .. This is the secret last call with the deceasedThe doctor confirmed his workshop: (Shadia sick of Aaron Lhaljoh And not the same)Khartoum: SE bliss:What can we say in this crime characterized by vague and strange together? .. And a source of mystery and strangeness in the way that lured the victim (Shadia) from the home of her brother revolution warm (43) north of Omdurman to the city of Mansheya Khartoum and then bring the dead to the starting point of the first which are fully equipped to Moaradtha buried after he was deluding her parents their exposure to the slip confirmed the attack on Ms. impact on accidents as Osaft to Khartoum Teaching Hospital .. This is not fool the victim's brother, who began to explore the secret hide the Son, and his mother asked them to highlight that the doctor's decision Palmtovah which enter everyone in turmoil and bewilderment .. Received after the above mentioned lady that it exists .. What was Muhammad Harun Ahalioh Ebagtha But another question Where is he? Placed in his hands the completed prescription onion from near or far from the situation before him on the back of the ambulance which was carrying the body in the meantime by Mahadda go directly to the police station west lanes and reporting of these events .. Prompting police personnel to move him quickly to the house of the complainant and the arrest of his son and his mother .. And then transfer the body to the morgue of Forensic Medicine to find out the cause of death .. Thus furthered] victim's family Shadia Aaron Ahalioh very exciting story in short supply because of human values such as justice, truth and goodness.{Soliciting from home revolution:And resume the brother of deceased Shadia Mohammad Haroon Ahalioh tales away from what restricts the human self from saying the word of truth, saying: This is a serious issue and where the risk that the victim's kin-son and his mother accused of committing the offense the violator of the laws by enacting the heavenly and human beings. As well as extermination against all the values and principles .. Sad very sad for my sister accused of stealing (8) thousand dollars and then provoke a revolution from my house warm (43) to Mansheya Khartoum to attack them beaten without mercy or compassion .. Confirms beyond any doubt that there is a kind of collusion between grief and wounds. But despite all this I would like to note that our son and his mother would not let us lose sight of the rights of the victim (Shadia) that will not forget that they used the absolute courage in the face without being put into consideration the feelings and the feelings of the bereaved families .. Especially as we are fully aware that life is not a walk to pick the fruit but there is only a tax must be paid by the people .. With this and that, believe firmly fatalism .. But when we pause contemplative in the implications of this case, we find bearing fraught with a lot of ambiguity, which is beginning to emerge of mistakes committed by the plans and Debra for this offense, which will not Iktverh have a history .. Since the task of history documentary cash Sualb .. Here we are writing this history is very painful and sad, too.{Hero of the story Shadia accused of theft:He adds Ahalioh: How can the image according to new data for the evolution of the prisoners in the ocean .. Which is dominated by an atmosphere I can not in any way he described, but that it is possible to see on the ground .. What exactly happened is that we had before the death of almost a month and a half in the buildings in Khartoum Street (33). And we were all in us, including the victim (Shadia) in the house of mourning and we are back and we left her there. On Thursday before last, I contacted her by phone and I said to her: Aa_ak_ih should come to my house warm Revolution (43) Tsafra even to your mother .. Before I respond to them picked up the phone Khaltna highway daughter said to me: O Muhammad, the forty on Friday .. So let her go with us this day and then come to you, God willing .. I said to her: I do not mind it .. Shadia and actually came on Saturday night .. It was that I asked her about their conditions said fully Praise be to Allah .. Having made a promise to travel on Monday .. The surprise for me was that his son a hero story, phoned me in the same evening of the day came when my sister to my house revolution warm (43) and said my interlocutor of the other party: O Muhammad, I am very sorry for this contact, but an event of your sister (Shadia) that was stolen from me (8) thousand dollars .. I said to him: Aaflan you know and I also think that to do really like this .. If we assume that it did, you should come to it at home .. He told me tomorrow I'll be with you .. Before closing the phone he told me: When will attend home from work I told him at noon the third .. He told me: Let's meet at a specific place and then we come together to Shadia and I said to him with open arms .. Here it was a natural, but what happened after this phone call?{Beat them severely beat:Ahalioh and answer to the question by saying the above-mentioned: So that I referred to in this case rushed to the solution .. That he violated terms of the appointment made by me and the revolution came to my house warm (43) about one o'clock at noon, accompanied by one of them and they traveling in a car .. Stop by the front door of the house they found my little girl playing in the street to Vugea Saalhma .. Is this the house of Muhammad Harun Ahalioh? Fajapthma yes .. What was their only Delva They asked for the little one inside you then this room (Shadia), said to them: no .. Said to her, the person concerned where are they? She said to him: at the other end. The thing that prompted him to go directly to it in the room that was sitting where and what she signed his eyes in her eyes only, and beat them severely with the adjective qualities I do not want to address them simultaneously was Shadia says to him: (Aaflan speak da defect from you), he said to her: if Knin originally innocent of the charges you to accompany me until Mansheya Nbarra your situation to my mother .. She said to him: so will I walk with you .. It was that came out of the house is a facilities and boarded the car to the Mansheya arrived in Khartoum.{Dipset reveal interesting details:He went on Ahalioh .. According to statements made by the entry of the son and his mother as they said they enter (Shadia) to the room and switched them off for them .. And remained on the back of this form is Ausaunha and his mother, and she was screaming in the meantime, screaming from severe pain that suddenly fell silent .. Overfill the place of silence terrible and strange .. Once over that minutes should not and Fattaha door of the room and went out and are carrying my sister Shadia dead body and put it in the car Khasthma on the basis that they will Asafaha to incidents of Khartoum Teaching Hospital, and here I received a phone call from the mother of the accused about nine o'clock on Sunday night and she told me through this call phone constantly to God .. Shadia slip if her heart attack and we Osafnaha to Khartoum teaching hospital accident and I said to her: What's the problem Antzerona there and I was on my way to you .. It was that arrived at the scene set by this lady and began to look for them where and when they did not find them resorted to official Statistics, Department of Emergency and discussed between the cases, the patient, but I did not find the name of my sister (Shadia Aaron Ahalioh) which prompted me to ask a question to the official, who was involved down the conditions ? He told me not want us in the Accident case similar to this case entered in the confused, but this uncertainty did not remain a lot because I held a telephone conversation son and his mother came the reply from the other party (the joint can not access it now) then I realized that in order confusion.Transfer of deceased to the ministry of RevolutionHe adds Ahalioh: What is that over on my moments, but I received a phone call from my brother (Abbas) that benefit me when I brought our sister Shadia revolution to my house warm (43) by ambulance and I said to him: How did this happen? The agency asked: Did you receive something of them from the doctor explains her death and the reasons leading to this death.? He told me never just come out fully equipped for any Moaradtha rich that her body washed and enshrouded Where is this we are not aware it? .. I said to him: O Abbas does not behave any action, even if I came to you tomorrow, and it was that moved in front of the incidents of Khartoum Teaching Hospital directly to my house revolution warm (43) was a surprise for me too that it had found what he told me my brother Abbas is correct one hundred percent I threw off their greeting and then asked his son where the mother is a doctor? She is troubled and confused: My question is I retorted another Where is he now? What was this lady only, and that paid to Burikh small and when Tfhstha I found a prescription from a doctor what line the following: (patient Shadia Aaron Ahalioh no pulse is not the same) and this confirms it relates is dead and therefore been developing such a prescription medical in the case file.Author, Department of Police West lanesAhalioh says: It is here you taking a look at the body of my sister (Shadia) discovered that it multiplied by a severe beating I said to them: What can we say as we see the violence visible on the body of the victim? Then I told them not to behave that go to the police station and already you inform the police of the facts of this crime, what was of them, but although they came with me to my house and contacted the incidents of Khartoum Teaching Hospital they brought to us quickly and having examined the case of (Shadia) around the body to the morgue while forensic police arrested his son and his mother was Aadallma guarding a police station west lanes, which opened a communication under Article (130) of the Criminal Code and interpretation of the number of murder (1066) on Sunday, 4/3/2012 AD and as a family we are all unanimous that takes legal its course, especially as it is unmarried and aged (53 years), a well-known moral, good and righteousness Add to that she is a very simple and can be of this view find it when family and friends here and there in the hometown Paljblin They were operating a butterfly in the custody of children (kindergarten) in the revolution warm (43) and when it occurred to us of death Balamarat Street (33) cut off from their work and remained in the house of mourningLast call with the deceasedAs said Abdel-Hafiz's brother victim Shadia Aaron Ahalioh: Is the human being is very simple accused her of stealing (8) thousand dollars Mounhih Khartoum and the amount found him away from her and even if we assume it was stolen this amount, the law guarantees refund of these rights, not Tguets them in this way ugly and when it was taken from the home of our brother Muhammad Harun largest Ahalioh we were in the mountains and he was in his work.And picked up his glove to talk his brother, Abdel-Moneim said: We do not want anything except to hold the law run its courseWhile Mohammed Ismail Ibrahim free the victim Shadia: I was talking to them over the phone last Saturday where I told her, 'O my daughter when will come, she said to me: God's will on Sunday be with you I said to her, your mother is in dire need you so I'm ready because I came Here in the buildings in Khartoum Street (33) to take you from there to the mountains.Smashed in the skull and a broken pelvisThe paper's sister deceased Shadia Aaron Ahalioh she said, is the largest suffered three years, was killed in a suspected criminal in which he said the forensic report as follows: (broken skull and a broken pelvis) that is, they tortured severe punishment of the son and his mother until she died at the mercy of freed slave and they bringing nappies to the house of my brother Muhammad Harun Ahalioh ambulance vehicle to be buried up to hide the circumstances leading up to her deathRemember, Mary, daughter aunt deceased Shadia Aaron Ahalioh she has been is Bpartyhm forty days from the date of death that occurred to them in the buildings in Khartoum Street (33) We did not expect to be the end of the sad, plunging us confusion and surprise and puzzlement, because the charge they have long been in this cause false accusation has no basis of its health and it stems from the amount that they said were found in the stolen thing which confirms that it fell victim without the guilt I did.
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